In-Depth Look into KFTD’s Whistleblowing System (WBS)

Whistleblowing – a mechanism for reporting activities deemed illegal or unethical – has become an important tool for building public trust in a company. With this system, a person can report unauthorized activities considered detrimental to a company or institution, including PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD).

Like other large companies, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) has a whistleblowing mechanism designed to report all activities, from corruption to other law-breaking activities.

Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution’s Regulations on Whistleblowing

According to PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika, the identity of all whistleblowers is kept confidential per SOP-KMR-007 on Whistleblowing System & Investigation, which states that all whistleblowers will be given protection by Kimia Farma if their reports are made in good faith and not to defame others without evidence.

However, a complaint will only be considered valid if the whistleblower provides a personal phone number or email address that KFTD can contact and the complaint has initial indications that can be accounted for.

Whistleblowing Mechanism in KFTDย 

A whistleblower can use the following mechanism to report illegal activities at Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution:

  • The whistleblower makes a whistleblowing system (WBS) report to the SPP (Whistleblowing System) system provided by KFTD for all types of illegal activity reporting.
  • Once the report is made, the reporter can email Kimia Farma’s WBS email address to fill out the Report form or report directly to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
  • The SPP system manager will conduct a report check to determine whether the report is valid.
  • If the report is eligible, a team of authorized investigators from Kimia Farma will conduct the investigation and give the reported party the right to rebut.
  • The SPP system manager, KFTD’s investigation team, and other authorized parties will decide whether to clear the reported party’s reputation if the report is not verified or provide disciplinary action or work termination if the reported party is found to have committed illegal activities.


With such a robust whistleblowing mechanism, KFTD may handle legal issues from illegal conduct that may harm the company in the long run. Furthermore, the mechanism ensures that KFTD complies with Indonesia’s existing laws on large-scale corporations.